Wine storage place
Wine and food

5 Storage basis you have to take in account

In order to get the best of any wine, and Ribera del Duero are one great example, it is important that it is stored correctly and served at the correct temperature. It may not be necessary to invest in expensive storage units and elaborate devices: simple common sense and standard equipment that is widely available are often enough to ensure that wines are enjoyed at their best.

Wine storage under stairs

Wine storage under stairs

If a wine is incorrectly stored it can affect the flavour and, in severe cases, the wine will become faulty. The following general points should be observed when storing wine:

  • For long-term storage, the temperature for all wines should be cool and constant, preferably between 10°C and 15°C, as extremes of cold and heat can cause
    damage. One of the worst places for long-term storage is in a kitchen, due to the wide fluctuations in temperature. Extended periods of refrigeration can cause corks to harden and lose their elasticity, with the result that the seal fails and air can attack the wine causing it to become stale. Sparkling wines lose their fizz.
  • Store wine that is sealed with a cork on its side to ensure the cork remains in contact with the wine. If the cork dries out it can let in air, and the air will oxidise the wine. Wines that are sealed with a screw cap can be stored standing up without any risk.
  • Keep wines away from strong light. Natural sunshine or artificial light will heat the wine and it will become stale and old before its time. Artificial light can cause unpleasant flavours to develop in some wines.
  • Keep wine away from vibrations, in order for it to lie undisturbed.
  • Not too humid atmosphere, trying to get close to 70 percent. The theory goes that dry air will dry out the corks, which would let air into the bottle and spoil the wine. Yes, this does happen, but unless you live in a desert or in arctic conditions.


Wine coolers are, at their generally fundamental, independent units intended to keep up a steady temperature—at times one appropriate for serving as opposed to long haul stockpiling—while a wine basement is a bureau or a whole room that stores wine in ideal conditions for long haul maturing: a predictable temperature (about 55° F), with mugginess control and some approach to get the wine far from light and vibration.

Units change in how much access you’ll have to your containers, so consider both how well you’ll have the option to perceive what’s inside, and how simple it will be to snatch a jug when you need it. Are the containers stacked? Are there racks that slide out? Consider the size and state of the jugs you gather, and the manner in which the jugs fit into the racks—would they say they are extremely wide, tall or surprisingly formed, on the off chance that they’ll even fit by any stretch of the imagination?

The entryway itself is something to contemplate. Is it increasingly significant for you to see the containers or shield them from light? Is the glass clear, tempered, tinted, twofold paned or UV-safe? Ensure the entryway opens on the right side for where you’re putting it—few out of every odd unit has reversible entryways. A few models have bolts or even cautions.

Progressively costly units may have various temperature zones, which is a decent component on the off chance that you need to keep your reds at one temperature and your whites at a cooler, increasingly prepared to-drink temperature. Mugginess controls are additionally useful. Put forth a valiant effort to discover a unit that hushes up—you’d be astonished exactly how noisy these things can get. The more you spend, the better the materials ought to be, for example, aluminum retires that will direct cool temperatures superior to plastic ones, or an unpleasant inside that will be preferred for moistness over a smooth one.